Personal Training at Club Apple

Working with the personal trainer has been such a benefit for me. It’s almost got me addicted to coming to the gym and working out.
— James

1-on-1 training

Getting back into shape can be difficult when you’re alone. Luckily, at Club Apple, you’re never alone. With a personal trainer, you can set individual goals and obtain them! Your personal trainer will customize your routines to not only reach your goals, but to also build strength in the best way possible. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, deal with chronic pain, or have other disabilities, our personal trainers will develop a plan centered around you.

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Why hire a personal trainer?

  • Achieve your goals with a personalized plan

  • Accountability and consistency

  • Learn new techniques and workout routines

  • Increase strength, flexibility balance, and coordination

  • Feel challenged without being overwhelmed

  • Variety in exercises, so you’ll never feel bored!

  • Perfect your form

  • Maximize your results

  • Flexible schedules; sign up for as many sessions as you would like per week

  • Working with a personal trainer is affordable! Small group sessions cost as little as $10 per session.


Meet Our Trainers

Nervous about getting back into shape? Don’t have any worries. We’ll pair you up with the best personal trainer for you! All of our trainers are certified and trained, so you’re getting the best education and plan possible. To view a trainer’s bio on your phone, click on the trainer photo and then click on the small white dot at the bottom right.




“I hired a trainer and that trainer talked to me about body building competing… I started training to do a bikini competition. I lost a lot of weight and competed in body building. I placed second!”

- Brandy

“My trainer, Sandi, who I was with for two years, she helped me understand all the equipment so I could be careful with the injury. Little by little I gained more confidence with the equipment.”


“Aaron taught me to eat right, he taught me how to work out, and how to love working out and enjoy coming to the gym.”

- Kallie


Start Your Personal Training Adventure with

Club Apple