Youth Swimming Lessons
Youth Swimming Lessons at Club Apple
Lessons are taught year-round!
$60 for members $70 for non-members
Parent and Toddler Swimming Lessons
6 months to 2 years-old
Class is for both parents and toddlers
Teaches water safety skills
Pre-School Stations 1-10
Ages 3 to 5 years-old
Preschool age children learn how to propel themselves independently in the water, learn safety skills, and will follow a preschool Swim America program specifically designed for this age group.
Ratio: 5 students per instructor
Swim America Station 1-10
6 years-old and up
Every station builds upon the skills learned at the previous stations. Students will improve their skills and advance to a higher skill level.
You will possibly be ready to join our swim club upon completion.
Ratio: 5 students per instructor.
Shark Swim Club
Shark Swim Club is for our youth swimmers. They'll gain endurance, skills, speed, technique, and a love for swimming.
Swim Club blocks
(approx. months) Summer: June-July; Fall: Sept-Oct; Winter: Jan-Feb; Spring: Mar-April. A swim meet is held at the end of each session.
8 week blocks = $170 for members, $190 for non-members
4 week summer blocks = TBA
Have a Blast
Our goal is to introduce your swimmer to swimming, as a sport, in a constructive and fun environment. Through productive workouts and drills, your child will learn proper form and body position. We hope to build their strength, endurance, and self-confidence so they can use these skills throughout life.
Limited number of swimmers accepted.