What’s happening at the club . . .
Adult beginner tennis lessons start March 18th and space is limited. This is a 5 week clinic held on Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 7:45pm at the Tennis & Pickleball Facility. These beginner clinics are designed to promote stroke technique, ball tracking, and an understanding of the court, scoring and of course . . . FUN!
Get signed up for the upcoming Yoga Inversion Workshop with Capri. This is open to everyone and no membership is required but space is limited. It’s Saturday, March 15th from 9:30am to 11am inside Studio 2. This event is FREE for Club Members and only $10 non-members.
“My #1 goal and priority in this class is to help you have proper form in inversions. Engagement with your strength, breath and balance help work you into the position slowly so muscle development happens as it should. The class will include warmups, easy upside downs anyone can do, arm balances, forearm and handstand inversions and modifications will be provided the entire class.” - Capri
Register at the front desk today.
Adult Swim Clinic starts March 5th! You’ll receive top notch instruction from Coach Melissa and you will take part in drills, and you will improve your kick and stroke to become a better, more efficient swimmer! This is designed for both beginners & intermediate swimmers or anyone training for a triathlon.
This 3 session swim conditioning clinic is held Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30pm on March 5th, 12th and 19th. It’s $75 for members, $85 for non. Space is limited. Registration is available at the member service desk or you can email Melissa at melissa@theclubapple.com.
Our Ride Across America indoor cycling event is going on right now! This event is free for members and runs for 12 weeks. Every cycling class will move you from one state to another. ALL participants will receive a finisher award, and there will be drawings for fun prizes!
Exciting news! There are now even MORE Aqua Zumba classes each week! Starting January 8th, Aqua Zumba classes will be held Tuesdays 6:30pm, Wednesdays 10am (NEW), Thursdays 6:30pm, and Saturdays at 9am. These classes are always included with your membership.
IMPORTANT Parking Reminder
Watch your bumpers! Please don't park so close to sidewalks and walkways that your vehicle bumpers overhang them. Help us keep these areas clear of all obstructions so people AND our snow removal equipment have a clear path at all times.
Thank you!
Learn to play pickleball, the fastest growing sport in America. Free Beginner Lessons every Tuesday and Thursday in the Club Apple gymnasium. There is no cost for Club Members but space IS LIMITED so you will need to signup.
Great news! We’ve decided to continue our FREE FRIEND FRIDAYS! Until further notice, you can bring in your friends to workout with you every Friday, with no guest fee. Friends must be at least 18 years old and a local resident of Idaho Falls or the surrounding area.